4 Top Problems That Affect Locks And How To Handle Them

Posted on: 15 November 2021

A broken door lock is both annoying and inconvenient. It means you cannot access the affected room with ease. In addition, a door lock exposes you and your family to theft and burglary. That's because criminals can easily tamper with the lock to enter the house. Because of that, it is essential to call a residential locksmith as soon as you notice unusual behavior in a lock. Professional residential locksmiths can handle the following issues:  [Read More]

The Different Types Of Keys For Home And Business Premises

Posted on: 18 August 2021

Invest in security to ensure you do not fall victim to burglary and vandalism. Of the recorded 2.5 million yearly break-ins reported, 65 percent of these are burglaries. Learn of the various locks and keys available to help you keep your property safe. Your locksmith professional will guide you on the correct type of key for every purpose. Transponder Keys Transponder keys are also known as chip keys. Chip keys are used for garage doors, gates, and homes. [Read More]

4 Commercial Locksmith Services Every Property Manager Needs

Posted on: 30 April 2021

If you manage a commercial building or an apartment complex, it's imperative to secure your tenant's interests. It's crucial to get commercial locksmith services to secure the locks on your main doors or shared entrances. Indeed, the locks and access control systems in your building offer the first line of defense against break-ins and unauthorized entry. As a property manager, you need to procure locksmith services if you suspect that these locks or electronic access systems have been compromised. [Read More]

4 Things a Residential Locksmith Can Do for You

Posted on: 18 February 2021

Have you ever hire a locksmith? A lot of people probably think of a residential locksmith when they lock themselves out of their house. But locksmith services go beyond just unlocking your home. After you are done reading this article, you might find out you need a residential locksmith more than you think. 1. Access Your Safe Did you forget the passcode to your safe? Perhaps you are trying to access a safe left by a loved one who passed on? [Read More]